Summary of Topics

The table below summarizes topics that were raised to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) and Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC) during the public consultation periods, and actions that Teck proposes to address them. For further information, please view the FRX Detailed Project Description.   

As the project proceeds through the coordinated assessment process, these issues will be included in ongoing engagement, assessment of positive and negative effects and the development of mitigation and enhancement measures. 



Actions to Address 

Water quality impacts to aquatic biophysical resources and human health 



  • Implement the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan and various related regional initiatives, plans and programs. 

  • Assess the potential impacts to water quality and other valued components that may be affected by changes to water quality. 

  • Implement FRX water quality management plan.  

  • Propose Project-specific water quality mitigations. 

Impacts to species at risk 



  • Apply mitigation strategies to avoid, minimize or rehabilitate impacts to species at risk. 

  • Identify a plan to offset impacts, if necessary. 

Cumulative effects on water quality, air quality, soil, terrestrial wildlife and ecosystems, and the transmission of Indigenous knowledge and cultural practices 


  • Conduct a cumulative effects assessment, including transmission of knowledge and cultural practices, and factors related to health, economy and social environment. 

  • Engage Indigenous Peoples on the evaluation and selection of measures to mitigate the potential effects on their rights and interests. 

Importance of mining to the economy; sustainability  



  • Expand the description of the role of steelmaking coal and the transition to low carbon economy and potential benefits to the local, regional, provincial and national economies in the DPD. 

  • Assess cumulative effects; identify and assess mitigations proposed to enhance benefits. 

Impacts to traditional and current land use practices, and related impacts to Indigenous People’s Aboriginal and Treaty Rights 



  • Assess the Project’s impacts to the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples in consultation with potentially affected Indigenous Peoples. 

  • Engage Indigenous Peoples on the evaluation and selection of measures to mitigate potential effects on their rights and interests. 

  • Develop an understanding of how to incorporate traditional and community knowledge and cultural perspectives in the impact assessment. 

Inclusion of federal lands and transboundary environments in the assessment study area 


  • Assess both direct and cumulative effects to areas of federal jurisdiction, including the potential effects to transboundary (Alberta and US) environments. 

Impacts to air quality and climate change from GHG and other emissions from the Project. 


  • Assess air quality, including potential change to the biophysical environment and human health and health practices that may result from changes to air quality. 

  • Assess the potential Project effects to climate, including assessment of GHG emissions. 

Impacts to human health and well-being, and differential impacts based on sex and gender 


  • Assess the incremental and cumulative effects of health and well-being, including social determinants of health, and consider the potential differential impacts to diverse groups of people. 

Concern over reclamation progress and restoration efforts / environmental performance 


  • Include progressive and interim reclamation into the Project’s reclamation and closure plans, and incorporate learnings from Teck’s existing reclamation and management efforts. 

  • Monitor and report on environmental performance.